
Global Summer School on Law & Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
The Institute of Law organized the "Global Summer School on Law & Ethics of Artificial Intelligence", which will be held online from June 26 to July 18, 2021. The Summer School is co-organized by the international education portal “KnowledgeSteez”, University of Santiago di Campostela (Spain), University of Gdansk (Poland), Sultan […]

Students of the Institute of Law took part in the international conference of the University of Maribor (Slovenia)
Students of the Institute of Law took part in the 30th Anniversary International Conference "Medicine, law and society: a turning point", which took place on June 5, 2021. The conference was organized by the Faculties of Law and Medicine of the University of Maribor (Slovenia). It was attended by representatives […]

Professors of the Institute of Law delivered the lecture for the University of Maribor (Slovenia)
The Institute of Law of SUSU and the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor (Slovenia) have been developing cooperation since 2019. Jointly implemented projects include Erasmus Jean Monnet Project grant applications, as well as co-authored articles published in highly ranked journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, […]

Lawyers are invited to lecture at the AMBRA University of USA
The Institute of Law is continuing to develop actively and its professors receive offers to share their knowledge with students from foreign universities. Elizaveta A. Gromova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Law, associate professor at the Department of Business, Competition and Environmental Law was invited to deliver an online […]

4th International Conference "Human Rights and Gender Justice"
On December 13, 2020, the Institute of Law held an academic conference on "Human Rights and Gender Justice." The conference was co-hosted by KnowledgeSteez (India), University of Missouri Western (USA), and University of Maribor (Slovenia). Moreover, BRICS Law Journal (Scopus) was among the conference's co-host. The plenary session was attended […]

Constitutions of Brazil and USA
Dear lecturers and students of SUSU! Within the Days of Foreign Law in SUSU on Wednesday (December 2), at 18.00 there will be an open lecture on "Constitutions of Brazil and USA". The lecturer - Daniel Brantes Ferreira, professor at the Candida Mendes University (Brazil), a researcher at […]

Human Rights and Gender Justice
The Institute of Law of SUSU invites you to take part in the 4th International Scientific Conference "Human Rights and Gender Justice". The conference will be held online on December 13, 2020. The language of the conference is English. For participation, please contact E.A. Gromova (gromovaea@susu.ru). Info mail

Cannes Legal Forum
Researchers of the Institute of Law of SUSU and their foreign partners took part in the Cannes Legal Forum held annually by the French Association of Lawyers and Economists and Kutafin Moscow State Law University. In the Forum the Institute of Law co-organized the discussion platform "Smart Cities, Technologies and […]

The Institute of Law held a webinar on "Legal Education in BRICS" in cooperation with Center for the Arbitration and Mediation (Brazil), Wuhan University (China), Manav Rahna University (India), and KwaZulu-Natal University (South Africa). Representatives of the BRICS countries made keynotes on features of the national legal education system. Elizaveta […]

Academic staff and students of the Institute of Law took part in the International Online Round Table "German Medical Law" organized by the Ural State Law University on May 6, 2020. Our colleagues and friends from the USLU - Prof. V.S. Belykh and M.A. Blazheeva introduced an expert from Germany […]